

  • Role
    Creative Direction, Packaging Design
  • Year
  • Niche
    Food & Beverage


A refined update, for refined products.

Tasyorah is famous locally for their signature sauces. Enjoyed both by customers and by restaurants for their dishes, their sauces include flavors such as Pistachio, Chocolate, Hazelnut and more.

We were asked to refine the packaging for their entire line of products as part of a strategic pivot towards B2C.

Packaging DesignPackaging Design

Partners in pivot

In our initial discovery sessions, we highlighted the key phrases that reflected why Tasyorah was unsastisfed with their existing packaging along with their needs for the new packaging. This sought to influence our creative direction and design process.

Packaging Design Kuwait
Bottle Packaging Design

Our Solution

Unification of collaterals.

Upon purveying the packaging delivered to our office, we realized that we needed to converge the different directions of the visual identity into a singular point of influence.

This convergence took the form of several sessions with the client and internally discussing the art direction of the project. After that, we diverged that direction and applied it to different aspects of the packaging — from the sauce labels to the cake boxes.

Cake packaging design Kuwait

Our Impact

As a result of our work together, Tasyorah completed its shift towards B2C its customers and has a unified identity across its packaging collaterals.

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